Et pourtant, ils parlent / And yet they speak / Und sie sprechen doch / Eppur si parlano /…This proposition will explore the configuration of a commonality based on the notion of “heterolingual address” (Naoki Sakai) by experimenting with a form of zooming presentation called prezi. This is based on the idea that imagining alternative ways of building commonalities requires new ways of drawing conceptual maps. We will focus on the Indignados, who claim to be “you”, “me”, any of “us” whose voice is silenced. By refusing every form of representation, the Indignados seek to foster a “real democracy” (“democracia real”) as if an authentic presence could exist beyond representation. What is in a voice? After analysing both Žižek’s criticism of the movement (“they express a spirit of revolt without revolution”) and a video by David Icke entitled “The Spanish Revolution - 15M - It’s time to fly” (, we will raise the issue of translation to re-establish the ethical possibility of speaking as, rather than for someone else. [back to: programme]